googleeca48c02d619b9ef.html DUMB AZZLETES: Where's Jessie?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Where's Jessie?

I get sick of people, especially athletes always playing the race card when they get into some crap. Yes, sometimes it may happen, but everytime? Please , give me a damn break. The NY Times is reporting that sophomore linebacker Chris Collins of OSU is a dumbazz. He is awaiting trial for sexually assaulting a drunk 12-year-old white girl while attending an after-prom party in a hotel. Bowie County District Attorney Bobby Lockhart said that he planned to ask that Collins’s trial begin Aug. 20. Lockhart said that Collins had confessed to police that he had consensual sex with the girl. In Texarkana, Texas some black residents have questioned whether the case has racial overtones since Collins and the three other men are black. Well, why don't we let the courts decide that. Apparently they have enough evidence that they arrested him and are now trying to take him to trial. I'm just wondering how long it will be until we see the old Reverend making an azz out of himself trying to get some air time.

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